Board News
HOA Board. The Turner Downs Homeowners Association board consists of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Board members are neighborhood residents elected by the homeowners, who along with the help of the community, work to maintain the beauty and safety of our environment and create a true neighborhood atmosphere. To contact the Board use the "Contact Us" link, e-mail hoa@turnerdownsnc.com, or regular mail -- 2105 Pagan Road, Raleigh, NC 27603
Board Members (2024)
Vice Pres. -- Annie Carman
Treasurer -- John Widdifield
Secretary -- Eileen Markey
HOA Social Committee. Our HOA Social Committee is composed of Melissa Charest (Chair), Rachel Jackson, and Laura Faircloth. They may be reached at social@turnerdownsnc.com.
HOA Dues. HOA Dues ($425 for 2024) are due on or before February 28 (invoices will be sent in January of each Calendar Year); any dues not received by February 28 will begin to incur the monthly late fee of $25, which will accrue each month dues remain delinquent. Pool access rights will be revoked until dues and all applicable fees or penalties have been remitted.